ExtraCurricular activities

  • TA (Teaching Assistant) for the course of Topics in Linear programming (CS698J/R) in a batch of nearly 60 students.

  • Designed an app Let's Meet in Yahoo HackU’ 13 using Google Maps API which suggests a cluster of distinct type of meeting places in proximity based on input provided by a group of users. Implemented Minimum Enclosing Circle algorithm to provide meeting places that are appropriately close to all the users. Used Google Maps API and JavaScript.

  • Assistant Coordinator, IORC (India Open Rubiks Cube), Techkriti 2011.

  • Participated in IDEA 13: A incubation contest for pitching up with our business plan. Developed a SMART Grid based android app for remotely controlling electrical appliances.

  • Runners up in Inter Morales Volleyball 2011.

  • Runners up in Inter Morales Basketball 2011.