ExtraCurricular activities
TA (Teaching Assistant) for the course of Topics in Linear programming (CS698J/R) in a batch of nearly 60 students.
Designed an app Let's Meet in Yahoo HackU’ 13 using Google Maps API which suggests a cluster of distinct type of meeting places in proximity based on input provided by a group of users. Implemented Minimum Enclosing Circle algorithm to provide meeting places that are appropriately close to all the users. Used Google Maps API and JavaScript.
Assistant Coordinator, IORC (India Open Rubiks Cube), Techkriti 2011.
Participated in IDEA 13: A incubation contest for pitching up with our business plan. Developed a SMART Grid based android app for remotely controlling electrical appliances.
Runners up in Inter Morales Volleyball 2011.
Runners up in Inter Morales Basketball 2011.